Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Laurel Ridge Camp


The line of cars looked like a convoy as we traveled around the mountain with car loads of junior high kids. We were on our way to Laurel Springs, NC where the eastern continental divide snakes around the camp and conference center, not once, but twice. We arrived at dusk and unpacked the cars. We ate on log tables and then sat around telling faith stories by the fire until it was time to go to bed. The morning sun shone through the curtains and nudged us all out of bed. After breakfast we dressed for the hike. We huffed and puffed until we reached the Eastern Overlook.

The mountains were our cathedrals. We stood in silence. What are men to rocks and mountains? The bible says, “If I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothings.” Psalm 121 says, “I lift up my eyes unto the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” We learned that we climb mountains not so the world can see us, but so that we can see the world. There are high mountains and deep valleys in our lives. An old Chinese proverb says: If you don’t scale the mountains, you can’t view the path.

The mountains echoed, and we made our way back to camp.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Old Farm House in Appalachia Mountains

How can a region so rich in natural resources be so poor? There are no factories on the mountainsides, no crops to plant and no jobs. Rows of modest houses handed down from generation to generation are the only real possessions for some of the residents there. But houses need maintenance and when you don’t even have enough money to put shoes on your kids’ feet, fixing a hole in the roof is a low priority.

We took a group of high school youth up the mountain to help make a house warmer, safer and drier. We asked God why He allowed poverty in Appalachia when He could do something about it, but He asked us the same question. We went to help the poor, but they helped us. The things we take for granted, someone else is praying for. Henry Beecher says, “He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.” We returned home with kids and adults who were stronger, wiser, and closer to God.

First Book Signing at the Hampton Inn Conference Room Lincolnton NC

 Today I was blessed to have my first book signing for Love Brings You Home and Circle of Life and Love at the Hampton Inn Conference Room i...