Saturday, January 30, 2021

Excerpt from my book Sweet William (written by Rebecca Jones)


Page 7

“Natalie, a 15-year-old granddaughter of a friend, had come into Michael and Gabrielle’s life. Natalie and Michael had a special new bond, which got Michael thinking of children again. He even told her he would adopt a baby. Although Michael, a doctor, believed in science that said they could never have children, he also believed in the miracles of God. Which brought her back to the fact that the test showed she was pregnant. She loved children; she really did. Yet they had just talked about moving from their tiny apartment to a cabin. And she had just began a new career.”


Isn’t it amazing how we sometimes “map out” how our life is going to be? We plan, try to manipulate our circumstances to fit our dreams in a pretty box. And then some how we get derailed like a train. How horrible, we think! But in the end the derailment was actually a miracle and purpose of God. It just took a different turn and a lot of time to come together. But looking back, it was for the best. I have learned that sometimes life takes an unexpected wrong turn in the right direction. You follow it and end up in the place you were supposed to be all along.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Excerpts from my book When Morning Comes Again (written by Rebecca Jones)


Excerpts from my book When Morning Comes Again

Page 13

“Today the sidewalks were clear, but the streets still had remnants of snow and ice. He had shoveled the last bit of snow last night in front of the gallery. Gabrielle had come out to help after she had closed her shop for the day. She picked up some snow and threw a snowball at him. He smiled just thinking about it. She had such a playful child’s heart. She would have made a great mother. They threw snowballs at each other until she finally called a truce.”


How soon we grow up and become adults. But inside us all is this playful child wanting to experience the joy again. Why not let that “child” come out to play sometime? Remember when you explored, created, laughed, learned, read, imagined, climbed, danced, sang, clapped and jumped?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Excerpt from my book Living Between the Dash (written by Rebecca Jones)


Page 62

“Gabrielle found an old autograph book from high school. ‘Roses are red, violets are blue, it is nice to have a friend like you. I will always remember you. Love your friend Cathy.’ Funny, she did not remember who Cathy was now. She wondered what she wrote in Cathy’s book and if Cathy remembered her now.”


I graduated from high school in 1974 and in looking in my high school album I saw many entries from people I remembered and some I barely knew. It is funny how people come and then go in your life. So, it is important to make the most of your days with the people God allows in your life for a time. Some people come into your life as blessings. Others come in your life as lessons.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Excerpt from my book Journey Through North Carolina (written by Rebecca Jones)


Page 51

Sugar Mountain

“The chairlift took them, two at a time, to the top. Skis were dangling from the air. The excitement of boys from Scout Troop 109 were in the air. Marla and I were the only women chaperones that day. We talked of raising boys to be good Christian men, and we talked of life and love and hobbies and deeper things. How little did we know that her body was full of cancer and later I would be attending her funeral instead of sitting by the fire at the ski lodge drinking flavored coffee and talking about our sons.”


I was only in my 30’s when this happened. I learned at an early age to cherish the people around me and to not take them for granted as God may take them “home” at any moment. Cherish the times you have because when they are gone, you cannot get them back.

First Book Signing at the Hampton Inn Conference Room Lincolnton NC

 Today I was blessed to have my first book signing for Love Brings You Home and Circle of Life and Love at the Hampton Inn Conference Room i...